Sunday, 19 August 2012

Drifting on the Road

Today I returned to ModNation Racers (MNR) after a two year hiatus. Man, I'm rusty. But I still managed to get 12 new trophies today. Yay me! Here's a word of advice for people going for the Drifting Superstar (bronze) trophy in MNR. Search for Pesico's created track titled "Drifitng Superstar" without the quotation marks and download it. That track is the best track you're gonna find that will allow you to drift 100000 drift points in a single drift. Just try and get your drift started as early as possible just before you enter the spiral ramp and tap the left analog stick left or right accordingly to stay in the centre of the track Use the crocodiles as a marker. Don't worry, they will jump if you steer into them and you won't actually bump into them. They're there to give you a general guideline on how close you are to the track boundary. As soon as you get 100000 drift points, stop drifting and you should et the trophy (but don't run into a wall when you stop drifting or it won't count).

That track can also be used to get the Pacifist (bronze) and Slow and Steady (bronze) trophies easily. Since the A.I. is too stupid to drift continuously through the entire track, you should easily get 1st place when you perform the 100000 drift points drift. Avoid booster pads and don't use weapons and the two aforementioned trophies will be obtained.