Saturday, 4 August 2012

Grinding Postgame in Ephinea

Once you reach level 90+ in Tales of Graces f, EXP, SP and gald become very hard to obtain efficiently, even on Chaos difficulty. Here are some places and tips that I found while trying out different locations to farm EXP, SP and gald. Note: the following guide assumes that you have finished the entire story (main arc + Lineage & Legacies) at least once and you are on your second playthrough (New Game +). You do not need to be in the future arc to access these locations but you must have Zhonecage access for some locations listed below.

Grinding on New Game + in Tales of Graces f
  • Objective #1: obtaining EXP to level up and reach level 200 (max)
Sandshroud Ruins and Ghardia Shaft on Chaos give around 50k EXP at level 100. But the monsters there appear in large numbers and it is very easy to get swarmed and if you haven't mastered the art of dodging, you can be ganked by several monsters and one by one your party members will fall.

A more relaxed location that gives loads more EXP is the Zhonecage. Even on Easy at level 100, floor 2 onwards in the Zhonecage gives 100k+ EXP per battle. Set an EXP boosting food to cook in your eleth mixer that you can be sure it will trigger to double the EXP gain from these battles to 200k+ EXP per battle. An example of such foods are Chilli Shrimp (increases EXP earned; triggers post-battle if party's HP is >80%). Once you get the hang of a certain floor, you can raise the difficulty to give even more EXP!

  • Objective #2: obtaining SP to master titles
Battle at the Sandshroud Ruins or Ghardia Shaft on Chaos, whichever you can handle better. Set SP boosting food to cook in your eleth mixture that can be triggered easily such as Pasta au Gratin (increases SP earned; triggered in-battle when landing a 20-hit combo) and Chicken Curry (increases SP earned; triggered post-battle if eleth mixer is at <50%)

These locations wil lstart to drastically drop in SP gain past level 110. When that happens, go to Mt. Zahvert  and fight ONLY the snow goblins (those monsters that hide in snowmen and appear if you approach them) on Chaos with these items set to the eleth mixer: Pasta au Gratin (increases SP earned; triggered in-battle when landing a 20-hit combo), Book of Audacity and Book of Passion. The idea is to make a 20-hit combo and kill the snow goblin before it decimates your party with critical hits. Don't worry, this is very easy to do if you set all your party members' strategy to Aggressive and A Only arte usage. You can do a loop around the mountain from top to bottom starting and ending at the Amarcian Enclave to refill your eleth mixer and encounter at least 3 snow goblins each run. If you do a good combo on a snow goblin (~30 hits), expect to gain 3k+ SP per battle with that setup at level 110. You can repeat this for any single foe encounters you can find, but I haven't found one that gives that much SP for such little hassle yet past level 120.

  • Objective 3: obtaining gald for dualizing weapons, gem fusing and gem polishing
Each floor of the Zhonecage has bosses that give bucketloads of gald regardless of your level. If gald is all that you're looking for, clear the highest floor that you can handle on Easy multiple times. The gald boost for doing a run on higher difficulties is minimal so unless you are looking for EXP as well, set the difficulty to Easy. The Book of Wealth doesn't give as much profit as you might xpect, since it uses eleth to generate gald, and you have to use gald to refill that spent eleth so profit is marginal.